The spirit of the wolf


Genre : Psychological drama
Duration : 18 mins

Directors : Katia SCARTON-KIM
Script : Patrick FOURNIER
Cast: Jochen Hägele, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Gintare Parulyte

Co-producer : BAGAN FILMS (France), INRED Productions (Switzerland), RAVIR FILM (Germany)

Synopsis : In April 1933, the Nazis had been in power in Germany for barely two months. All liberties have been taken away and the economy is under control. Minister of Information and Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels summons to his private apartments Fritz Lang, who has just produced “Le Testament du Docteur Mabuse”. The purpose of the meeting: to convince the most prominent man in German cinema to work for the Nazi regime.

Purchase & Pre-purchase: France 2