Genre : Action / Drame
Duration : 20 mins
Direction / Screenplay: Yuri Najdovski, Loïc Hobi
Cast: Lucas Faulong, Ardaci Radeff, Jeremie Nicolet, Léa Gigon, Paulin Jaccoud, Yannick Merlin, Lucile Jaillant
Musique originale : Diego Baldenweg avec Nora Baldenweg & Lionel Baldenweg
Production : Tell me the Story (Suisse)
Année : 2021
Sales: Arte
Synopsis : Noah, a young man in search of his identity, is invited by his best friend, Ethan, to take part in the expeditions he organizes with his gang in the bowels of the metro. In this in-between world, where they compete to find their place, Ethan will challenge the teens to a deadly challenge: jump over the rails before the train arrives. Risking his life seems for Noah the only way to be accepted and especially to exist in the eyes of Ethan.