Sortie en France le 19 janvier 2022

Genre : Thriller
Duration : 1h33
Directors : Marc Fouchard
Production : Dacor Production (France)
Synopsis : Léo est chauffeur et vit seul dans sa voiture. Il ne s’ouvre au monde qu’à travers sa musique. Un jour, Léo conduit Amélie, une cliente pas comme les autres, danseuse et sourde et pourtant réceptive aux compositions qu’il passe dans sa berline. Léo semble séduit par cette femme, comme lui, hors du monde. Amélie aussi est attirée par le sombre Léo. Mais ce qu’elle ignore, c’est que Léo est un terrible prédateur…
Glasgow Festival (2021)
Cognac Festival (2020)
Shanghai International Film Festival (2021)
Soundscreen Film Festival (2021)

Les salles du 19 janvier 2022
CGR Colisée – LE MANS, CGR Tours Centre – TOUR, CGR Evry – EVRY, Cinema Le Foyer – PONT DE ROIDE, CinemaScoop – LE CHAMBON SUR LIGNON, Cine M – MOURENX, Cinema Aquitaine – HAGETMAU, Cinema Le Renoir – BISCAROSSE, Les toiles du Moun – SAINT PIERRE DU MONT, Cinema Eden – LOUHANS, Cinema L’Eden – MONTMORENCY
Remember the name of Kevin Mischel, already seen in divine And Robbers, the series. La façon dont ce comédien devient un chauffeur de taxi tueur en série dans out of the world du réalisateur français Marc Fouchard lui permet de gravir un échelon supplémentaire dans sa carrière. " Il est littéralement possédé par le personnage qu’il incarne », constate le réalisateur qui l’avait déjà dirigé pour Break, in the press kit.
The main character of the film, a brutal man who takes refuge in his musical compositions, lets himself be bewitched when he meets a deaf dancer (Aurélia Poirier, magnetic). The relationship between a shy boy, capable of appalling acts of violence and a young woman who cannot hear the music that is written are not well under way.
Les fans de cinéma d’horreur sont familiers de portraits de tueurs bien glauques dont le Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) by John McNaughton, is an emblematic example. out of the world n’atteint pas la virtuosité de cette œuvre géniale et n’en a pas la prétention. Mais le choix de livrer un film dont les dialogues sont réduits au strict minimum et où la musique signée Cyesm fait plonger le spectateur dans la tête du tueur est très judicieux. Marc Fouchard a tiré le meilleur parti de moyens réduits pour mettre en valeur la performance de Kevin Mischel dans la peau d’un assassin dont il souligne l’humanité malgré les actes atroces qu’il commet.
This immersive experience naturally takes its place in French horror films that combine genre cinema and auteur films. out of the world constitutes a curiosity, sometimes a little clumsy but always fascinating. To discover.
Léo is a VTC driver for lack of being able to live from his passion, the music. But he's also a compulsive serial killer. who finds his prey in the back seat of his car or in the hazard of his nocturnal wanderings. These murders allow him to release all the aggressiveness that he has in him and that he cannot manage otherwise, between his solitary life in his vehicle and his visits to his mother interned in a psychiatric hospital and walled in his silence. But everything seems to change for him when he meets Amélie, a deaf dancer who, however, is sensitive to the pulsations of her compositions. But how do you approach a young woman when you're unable to communicate?
The second feature film by Marc Fouchard, after the romantic comedy against a backdrop of break dancing Break, again gives pride of place to music and dance, but intersects these almost dreamlike sequences and contemplatives of bloody murders perpetrated by a psychopath with angelic gaze. We immediately think of On my lips, then to maniac by William Lustig who also spoke of this impossible link what is the killer of women looking for? The film is based on shoulders of actor Kevin Mischel, whose performance is impeccable, but the whole lacks a hint of originality or surprise to make this horrifying thriller a truly experience striking. out of the world, where the fate of two people living next door others, manages to be moving, without departing from an impression somewhat depressing nihilistic.
out of the world de Marc Fouchard a été présenté aux festivals de Shanghaï, Ravenne, Glasgow et s’est vu attribuer le Grand prix du Festival Polar Cognac. Thriller noir, il est transcendé par l’interprétation de Kevin Mischel.
From his mother (Dominique Frot), who was one of the most beautiful voices in song, Léo inherited a taste for music and a severe fart in helmet. Comme le titre l’indique, il vit hors du monde, dans cette berline qui lui sert à exercer son boulot de chauffeur de VTC, mais aussi d’appartement, de studio de compo. C’est sans doute de sa génitrice également que lui vient son incapacité à conclure avec les femmes : le palliatif à sa virilité c’est couteau en main qu’il le trouve.
A stunning composition
Schizophrenic, solitary, Léo se prend d’affection pour Amélie (Aurélia Poirier qui joue aussi le rôle de la sœur jumelle d’Amélie, Hélène) une jeune fille que sa surdité a placée elle aussi en marge de la société. C’est ce qui lui plaît chez elle, outre le fait qu’elle réagit aux morceaux qu’ils composent. Mais les démons de Léo l’ont bien trop investi pour qu’il sache et veuille leur résister.
Glazed with great staging ideas (comme de nous faire vivre en immersion la panique d’une victime enfermée dans le coffre de Léo) out of the world is a film stretched on a wire between grace and shivers. Marc Fouchard, qui fut danseur avant d’attraper le virus du cinéma, a précédemment réalisé Break avec déjà Kevin Mischel qui, lui, a suivi un parcours en boucle un peu inverse : études de théâtre, break puis danse contemporaine (entre autres pour Kader Attou) avant de revenir au jeu (on l’a vu, entre autres, dans Robbers And Divine). He is possessed by his role, places dizzying energy and depth in his playing and the result is stunning. Marc Fouchard also took advantage of Kevin Mischel's past as a dancer for a very nice scene with Amélie in a parking lot.
out of the world connaît enfin des moments de douceurs, particulièrement lorsqu’apparaît le beau visage de Genevieve Casile as a benevolent client of Leo.
out of the world : glaçant. Asocial et quasi-mutique, Léo, chauffeur de VTC qui vit dans sa voiture, n’éprouve de passion que pour la musique. Affecté de pulsions meurtrières, il assassine des jeunes femmes, prises au hasard. Il rencontre un jour Amélie, une danseuse sourde… Plusieurs films ont déjà tenté de se glisser dans l’esprit d’un tueur en série. Kevin Mischel, lui-même danseur à la base, compose un Léo qui, bien qu’il soit bien fait de sa personne, évite au maximum les relations sociales et vit totalement, comme le dit le titre, “hors du monde”. Le long-métrage propose par ailleurs de très belles images, et quelques scènes fulgurantes, comme celle de l’agression d’une victime à son domicile, au dénouement inattendu. Mais le sujet, délicat, interdit toute forme d’empathie ou d’immersion et, au final, le film reste glaçant, dans la forme comme le fond.
Editor's rating: 3/5
out of the world is a good French genre film that focuses on a particular serial killer.
The screenplay by director Marc Fouchard presents a man living on the margins of society. He lives in his car which he uses as a VTC driver. It is during his various wanderings that he identifies his victims and executes them with great violence. However, he will find himself attracted by a young deaf dancer and the two characters will begin an astonishing, and dangerous, ballet.
The staging closely follows the main character. This one, a silent man, often economical with his movements, is wonderfully played by Kevin Mischel who manages to make him fascinating, while he portrays a terrible monster.
Indeed, in this astonishing urban romance, it is a strange beast who meets his beauty. But this one is much more dangerous than the monsters which have fangs and teeth and the very dark tone of the film does not always light up during their fleeting moments of encounter.
It is Aurélia Poirier who embodies the young girl. She was trained in sign language by a real deaf and mute dancer. She is therefore particularly credible in the role of a luminous and airy character whose warmth and generosity can help the main character to extricate himself from the dark depths where he finds himself.
It is necessary to point out the marvelous danced passages. First of all the one executed by Aurélia Poirier which is really superb and especially the passage with the two main protagonists taking place in a parking lot presenting the visualization of a fantasized moment, which is absolutely beautiful, perfectly measured and impeccably interpreted by two actors who have a real practice of dance in their career.
The work is a dark thriller that shows in a sometimes clinical way the behavior of an individual living on the margins of society and who has his own rules. The character is really not endearing and it's a great tour de force to make him captivating and to hope for him a redemption allowing him to transform himself.
A large part of the plot takes place in the car and its wanderings in the city of Le Havre and its suburbs are perfectly rendered. If the space in the cabin is limited, we never have a feeling of claustrophobia thanks to the beautiful photography of Pascal Boude And especially to the imposing interpretation of Kevin Mischel who manages to occupy all the space he has at his disposal.
Some passages are really very violent and often contrast with more peaceful moments. There is a nice touch of suspense in this work which never falls into clichés and does not necessarily take the path we see it take.
out of the world is a good film noir that takes the viewer into a spiral of darkness and allows us to get close to the psyche of a terrible killer. With a chilling story allowing an interesting mix between thriller, psychological work and romance, a precise realization and a very beautiful interpretation, the feature film remains in the memory for a long time and no longer makes people look innocuous in the same way.
Cru et percutant ! Note : 3.5/5